To design, then design the motion of the project... is the ultimate. 
client: ZENOSS
Animation/Art Direction/Storyboards/3D modeling/Storyboards

The Zenoss piece was created with inspiration from The Winter Soldier Illustrating how the Zenoss Hybrid IT system operates. Using a combination of 3D and 2D elements in silhouette against the rich Zenoss orange providing a visually stunning way to tell this client's story. 
Art Direction/Animation/Illustration/Storyboards

Waterloo Greenway was a dream project, super fun and creative. I started by making characters out of their branded icons and used the characters throughout the explainer video. Mixing the beautiful park renders with the animated 2D environment really brought this project to life.   
Animation/Art Direction/Illustration/Storyboards

For SXSW 2018, we created five explainer videos to help attendees navigate the massive festival. Each video walks participants through parts of SXSW from leaving the airport, to which line to stand in with their badge. The character style and brand peels played a large part in the animation style of the piece. Mixing photography into a 2D world was a design style I chose to add depth and interest.
Photography/Art Direction/Animation

I really wanted to make the beautiful fruits and vegetables the center piece of this animation. After shooting all the  fruits and veggies, I edited them and added them to the animation. Rotating a camera around a typographic collage, I put a different twist on the kinetic type look.
Art Direction/Animation

As a part of Tiger Wood's return to golf campaign, this series was meant to highlight the high contrast footage of him working out. The on screen text was repeated to double down on the idea of practice makes perfect. Clean and straight forward but with an edge.
The Austin Clubhouse is a non-profit that exists to provide acceptance and empowerment to adults living with mental health diagnoses. This piece was created for the campaign, One Donor A Day. The message being, "one day" can change someone's life if they receive the proper care.
Client: goTENNA
Art Direction/Animation

I used the glitch effect to create a slick computer feel. This was on brand with the clients product and was the perfect look for their demo videos. The biggest challenge for this project was the amount of copy that needed to be on screen.
Art Direction/Animation

The client was very specific about keeping the energy high in this piece and keeping a fast flow. So the idea was to use "light rays" throughout to show movement. I had to work closely with the director to make sure we were stay on track with the direction and application of the graphics.
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